Electro Exim is a private company performing export-import activities in the electric power production, transmission and distribution.

Our projects in the electric field, since 1997, have taken us all over the world. In Romania, we have been offering electric generators together with UPS systems since 2006. This equipment we sell and service, while also offering electric generators as rental. Electro Exim is certified for its management quality ISO 9001-2008.

ELECTRO EXIM is proud to have consistently provided product that meets customer expectations and aims to continuously enhance customer satisfaction through quality work and a dependable team of people, ready to respond to any of its customers' needs.

Electro Exim este o companie privata, care deruleaza servicii de export-import in domeniul productiei, transmisiei si distributiei energiei electrice.

Proiectele internationale din domeniul electric, incepand cu 1997, ne-au purtat prin intreaga lume. In Romania, am oferit spre vanzare generatoare de curent si UPS-uri din anul 2006. Avem o gama larga de generatoare de curent pe care le oferim si spre inchiriere pe perioade scurte sau lungi, si de asemenea, puteti apela la noi pentru service, mentenanta sau piese de schimb aferente acestor echipamente. Electro Exim detine certificatul pentru calitatea managementului afacerii ISO 9001-2008.

In toti aceste ani, ne mandrim cu calitatea produselor si serviciilor oferite, in mod consistent, si ne straduim continuu ca munca noastra sa fie conform celor mai inalte standarde solicitate de catre clientii nostri, pe care ii asiguram ca suntem partenerul pe care se pot baza.

Str. Ialomicioarei, nr. 21, sector 1
Bucuresti, 011277.

Telephone:+40 21 223.13.47
FAX:+40 21 223.12.01

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